Furnace Brook operates as a rural Arts, Ecology & Micro Enterprise Hub where the land and lakes have been managed and reshaped in recent years in response to the climate and ecological emergency, and our collective disconnect from the natural world.
Furnace Brook CIC operates to support site activities and approaches that are regenerative for the natural world and for the benefit of current and future generations equally. The daily activities of the CIC are focused on -
1) The establishment and support of arts and creativity activities based at Furnace Brook
2) Managing the land and lakes at Furnace Brook in order create a sustainable ‘naturally inspiring’ place for visiting individuals and organisations
3) The provision of support to rural micro enterprises based either at Furnace Brook or in the nearby locality.
4) The provision of Health & Wellbeing Experiences and Environmental Education Learning Experiences.
A range of research-based activities are being undertaken on site. Specific areas of focus currently include; Renewable Energy Generation & Storage, Carbon Management, Topsoil enrichment and Regenerative design approaches to landscapes & structures. The activities of modelling sustainable practices in the various research areas are being coordinated through the RuralTransition Alliance Programme
Furnace Brook is also the Home of UNA Climate & Oceans